Giving Opportunities

at Akron Pregnancy Services


We give thanks for your generosity.
Please consider these two ways of giving this season.

Friendly Reminder
TWO ways to give




DOUBLE the impact of your giving

at Wayside Furniture’s After-Thanksgiving Giving Event


Talk about favor!  Wayside Furniture has once again chosen
Akron Pregnancy Services to benefit from their annual
After-Thanksgiving Giving Event November 26 to 29.

When we bring our designated gifts to Wayside Furniture during
this four day event, Wayside will MATCH our gifts up to $100!


Questions?  Click Here =>  Wayside After_Thanksgiving Giving Event





Giving Tuesday has become a wonderful new tradition
and an awesome way to close out the Thanksgiving
holiday with a secure gift that blesses the babies
we save and families we serve.




Give Safely Here